This is OUR House
For Sustainability, Equity, and Justice to exist in a community one must be safe to show up in public spaces, be paid a living wage, have access to a well funded public education and be unconcerned about whether their vote/voice will be counted. These are just a few core issues I have fought for and WITH you as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives.
With me, no policy is made about you without you. You belong in the decision making rooms.
Let's build better, together.
Policy Priorities
Ending Violence in Our Communities​
Supporting Public Education
Racial Equity and Justice
A Living Wage
Housing Accessibility and Retention
Reproductive Rights
Urban/Rural Agriculture and Land Renewal
Environmental Justice/Sustainability
Immigration/Migrant Rights
Voter Protection/Voting Access
LGBTQIA+ Protections
Investment in Community Mental Health
Keeping Small Businesses Sparking and Growing